niedziela, 13 marca 2016

First things first...

As much as I'd like to make huge changes right off the bat, I've got to keep my application functional and moreover keep expanding it. Lately I've been ask to add new functionality that would provide some changes to how cluster representative is made - it should now create it only from these arguments, that are in X [%] of rules that cluster consists of - where X is number from 0 to 100, input by the user. I'm happy because my idea of implementing that functionality connects with one of the changes I wanted to implement - changing the way rule is stored in a cluster from String to Map of <String attribute, String Value>. Unfortunatly this concerns a lot of things in grouping thread of my application, and hence it requires a lot of work / time. I'm, however, willing to oblige. :)

Also, I've noticed that I've forgot to add link to my GitHub anywhere here, so... There you go: .

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